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  • Sydney : 203.89 Qtr +3.29% Yr +3.42%
  • Melbourne : 163.5 Qtr +1.36% Yr -1.15%
  • Brisbane (inc Gold Coast) : 153.72 Qtr +4.14% Yr -0.1%
  • Adelaide : 175.39 Qtr +3.81% Yr +3.26%
  • Perth : 116.12 Qtr +2.96% Yr +5.58%
  • 5 capital city aggregate : 170.33 Qtr +2.94% Yr +1.9%
  • Sydney : 203.89 Qtr +3.29% Yr +3.42%
  • Melbourne : 163.5 Qtr +1.36% Yr -1.15%
  • Brisbane (inc Gold Coast) : 153.72 Qtr +4.14% Yr -0.1%
  • Adelaide : 175.39 Qtr +3.81% Yr +3.26%
  • Perth : 116.12 Qtr +2.96% Yr +5.58%
  • 5 capital city aggregate : 170.33 Qtr +2.94% Yr +1.9%
  • Sydney : 203.89 Qtr +3.29% Yr +3.42%
  • Melbourne : 163.5 Qtr +1.36% Yr -1.15%
  • Brisbane (inc Gold Coast) : 153.72 Qtr +4.14% Yr -0.1%
  • Adelaide : 175.39 Qtr +3.81% Yr +3.26%
  • Perth : 116.12 Qtr +2.96% Yr +5.58%
  • 5 capital city aggregate : 170.33 Qtr +2.94% Yr +1.9%
  • Sydney : 203.89 Qtr +3.29% Yr +3.42%
  • Melbourne : 163.5 Qtr +1.36% Yr -1.15%
  • Brisbane (inc Gold Coast) : 153.72 Qtr +4.14% Yr -0.1%
  • Adelaide : 175.39 Qtr +3.81% Yr +3.26%
  • Perth : 116.12 Qtr +2.96% Yr +5.58%
  • 5 capital city aggregate : 170.33 Qtr +2.94% Yr +1.9%
  • Sydney : 203.89 Qtr +3.29% Yr +3.42%
  • Melbourne : 163.5 Qtr +1.36% Yr -1.15%
  • Brisbane (inc Gold Coast) : 153.72 Qtr +4.14% Yr -0.1%
  • Adelaide : 175.39 Qtr +3.81% Yr +3.26%
  • Perth : 116.12 Qtr +2.96% Yr +5.58%
  • 5 capital city aggregate : 170.33 Qtr +2.94% Yr +1.9%
  • Sydney : 203.89 Qtr +3.29% Yr +3.42%
  • Melbourne : 163.5 Qtr +1.36% Yr -1.15%
  • Brisbane (inc Gold Coast) : 153.72 Qtr +4.14% Yr -0.1%
  • Adelaide : 175.39 Qtr +3.81% Yr +3.26%
  • Perth : 116.12 Qtr +2.96% Yr +5.58%
  • 5 capital city aggregate : 170.33 Qtr +2.94% Yr +1.9%
  • Sydney : 203.89 Qtr +3.29% Yr +3.42%
  • Melbourne : 163.5 Qtr +1.36% Yr -1.15%
  • Brisbane (inc Gold Coast) : 153.72 Qtr +4.14% Yr -0.1%
  • Adelaide : 175.39 Qtr +3.81% Yr +3.26%
  • Perth : 116.12 Qtr +2.96% Yr +5.58%
  • 5 capital city aggregate : 170.33 Qtr +2.94% Yr +1.9%
  • Sydney : 203.89 Qtr +3.29% Yr +3.42%
  • Melbourne : 163.5 Qtr +1.36% Yr -1.15%
  • Brisbane (inc Gold Coast) : 153.72 Qtr +4.14% Yr -0.1%
  • Adelaide : 175.39 Qtr +3.81% Yr +3.26%
  • Perth : 116.12 Qtr +2.96% Yr +5.58%
  • 5 capital city aggregate : 170.33 Qtr +2.94% Yr +1.9%
  • Sydney : 203.89 Qtr +3.29% Yr +3.42%
  • Melbourne : 163.5 Qtr +1.36% Yr -1.15%
  • Brisbane (inc Gold Coast) : 153.72 Qtr +4.14% Yr -0.1%
  • Adelaide : 175.39 Qtr +3.81% Yr +3.26%
  • Perth : 116.12 Qtr +2.96% Yr +5.58%
  • 5 capital city aggregate : 170.33 Qtr +2.94% Yr +1.9%
  • Sydney : 203.89 Qtr +3.29% Yr +3.42%
  • Melbourne : 163.5 Qtr +1.36% Yr -1.15%
  • Brisbane (inc Gold Coast) : 153.72 Qtr +4.14% Yr -0.1%
  • Adelaide : 175.39 Qtr +3.81% Yr +3.26%
  • Perth : 116.12 Qtr +2.96% Yr +5.58%
  • 5 capital city aggregate : 170.33 Qtr +2.94% Yr +1.9%

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Every available property and suburb is scored based on its relevance to three key investment strategies

Top Suburbs

Median Sale Price Change (1yr)

Suburb Median Sale Price Growth
Nemingha $780,000 85.71%
Orchard Hills $7,000,000 62.79%
Brewarrina $142,500 61.93%
Paxton $720,000 60.00%
Matcham $3,000,000 55.24%
Dunbogan $799,500 54.49%
Zetland $2,550,000 51.07%
Queenscliff $4,400,000 50.04%
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Median Gross Yield

Suburb Median Rent Gross Yield
Lightning Ridge $300 39.0%
Broken Hill $340 9.3%
South Lismore $465 9.0%
Peak Hill $300 8.8%
Girards Hill $540 8.6%
Cobar $315 7.7%
Lismore $505 6.8%
Boggabri $410 6.8%
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