Millgate Way Salisbury Park, SA 5109

Here you can find everything you need to know about the street appeal of Millgate Way, Salisbury Park. This includes a break down of property types, sold and for sale prices and even the record sale price. You can also view information about Salisbury Park and much more.

Street Insights for Houses


Property Prices in Millgate Way


State Auction Clearance Rates


Suburb Information

Salisbury Park, SA 5109

Part of: Salisbury Council No data available

The size of Salisbury Park is approximately 1.5 square kilometres. It has 7 parks covering nearly 37.4% of total area. The population of Salisbury Park in 2011 was 2,070 people. By 2016 the population was 2,153 showing a population growth of 4.0% in the area during that time. The predominant age group in Salisbury Park is 50-59 years. Households in Salisbury Park are primarily childless couples and are likely to be repaying $1000 - $1399 per month on mortgage repayments. In general, people in Salisbury Park work in a trades occupation. In 2011, 68.7% of the homes in Salisbury Park were owner-occupied compared with 69% in 2016. (source: Australian Bureau of Statistics)

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Demographic data provided by Australian Bureau of Statistics